Learning Ocaml

Posted on 2023-06-23

OCaml is a strictly evaluated functional language with some imperative features.

Along with StandardML and its dialects it belongs to ML language family. F# is also heavily influenced by OCaml.

Just like StandardML, OCaml features both an interpreter, that can be used interactively, and a compiler. The interpreter binary is normally called “ocaml” and the compiler is “ocamlopt”.

Expressions and Varibles

50 * 50;;

let x = 50;;
let x = 50 in x * x;; // Expression, does not evalute if you call x;


let sqr x = x * x;;
sqr 5;; --> 25

let is_even_sqr x =
  sqr x mod 2 = 0;;

1 + 2.5;; --> Error. no implicit type casting

1. +. 2.5;; --> 3.5

Mutually Recursive Functions

let rec
  is_even = function
  | 0 -> true
  | n -> is_odd (n-1)
  is_odd = function
  | 0 -> false
  | n -> is_even (n-1)

Primitive Types

int         63-bit signed int on 64-bit processors,
            or 31-bit signed int on
            32-bit processors
float       IEEE double-precision floating point, equivalent to C's double
bool        A Boolean, written either 'true' or 'false'
char        An 8-bit character
string      A string (sequence of 8 bit chars)